Mostaghferon - Delete Mostaghferon Account

Delete Mostaghferon Account
Delete Mostaghferon Account
Last Updated 17-October-2023

If you created an account within the Mostaghferon - مستغفرون app, and you want to delete your account only or delete both your account and the account related data which is (the user name, the user image, and the total number of forgiveness in the account), you can submit a deletion request to us through 2 ways:

  1. Through the app, in the app's settings screen, choose Delete Account, read the instructions that will appear on the screen, and follow the required steps to submit the deletion request and we will delete the data that you requested to delete.
  2. Through this web page, read the instructions that are listed here, and follow the required steps to submit the deletion request and we will delete the data that you requested to delete.
Infromation about Account Deletion

You can choose to delete your account only, and the data of the user name, user image, and the total number of forgiveness in the account will remain present and appear on the world ranking screen in the app, or you can choose to delete your account and the data associated with your account (user name, user image, and the total number of forgiveness in the account), and by deleting them, they will not appear again on the world leaderboard screen in the app.

Warning: If you delete your account, you will not be able to recover it again or log in to the account again, and if you delete the data associated with the account, which is (the user name, the user image, and the total number of forgiveness in the account), it will not be possible to retrieve it again.

Submit Deletion Request

To submit a request to us from outside the app to delete your account follow theses steps:

  1. Send us an email at from the account that you used to create your account in Mostaghferon app.
  2. The Email Subject should be "Mostaghferon Account Deletion Request".
  3. The Email Body should clearly contain whether you want us to delete your Account Only or Both Account and Account Related Data (Both choices results were described here at this page) along with other necessary details.
  4. The Email Subject and Body should be written in English Language.
Any ambigious, misformated emails, or emails that do not follow the above steps, will not be considered as account deletion requests and will have no effect.

Privacy Policy

You can read our privacy policy at .

Contact Us

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at